A Terá movies is an independent production company located in Salvador-Bahia, which is mainly interested in contemporary black narratives and focus on the development and production of audiovisual projects. Thamires Vieira, head of Terá Filmes is an filmmaker who has been in the market for more than eight years, with experience as a producer in several feature films, shorts, series and film festivals.
The Day He Decided To Leave
O Dia Que Ele Decidiu Sair
Never Stop On Track
Nunca Pare Na Pista

Director and producer, brazilian, has a degree in Filmmaking at the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia [Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia], she’s also part of the Associação de Produtores do Audiovisual Negro - APAN [Black Film Producers Association].
In 2013 she started to act as a local producer of significant brazilian film festivals, such as the Cachoeiradoc - Festival de Documentário de Cachoeira [Cachoeira’s Documentary Film Festival] and the Panorama Internacional de Cinema e Paisagem Sonora [International Panorama of Cinema and Soundscape] until 2016.
Meanwhile, she directed the documentary short film “O dia que ele decidiu sair” which got in at brazilian film festivals and also at the Festival de Cabo Verde – Plateau (2014) [Cabo Verde’s Film Festival], and later was licensed by Canal Brasil. She also co-directed the tv show “Diz aí - Afro Indígena” of Canal Futura (2018) and directed the program “Vida pede mais” for Tv Kirimurê (2019).
As a short films producer she signs: “A Morte do Cinema” (2013), “As melhores Noites de Veroni” (2016), “Arco do tempo” (2019) and “Ilhas de Calor” (2019), both nominated for the Grande Prêmio de Cinema Brasileiro [Grand Prix of Brazilian Cinema] and had a run in significant film festivals such as Curta Kinoforum, Janela Internacional de Cinema [International Film Window], Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro [Brazilian Film Festival of Brasilia], Cine Ceará - Festival Ibero Americano de Cinema [Ibero American Film Festival], among others.
She worked in feature films as assistant director like “Café com Canela” (2016) by Glenda Nicácio and Ary Rosa who participated in meaningful festivals such as the Official Selection of the 47th International Film Festival Rotterdam, 22nd Ecrans Noirs Festival (Cameroon), Official Selection MôTiF Film Festival - Alaska (USA); the second film from the same directors, she signed the production for the film “Ilha” (2018), which premiered in Rotterdam (2018).
In 2019, she participated in several projects; was head of production of “Prisioneiro da Liberdade” directed by Jeferson D. produced by PARANOID (in post production), assistant director of “Um dia com Jerusa” by Viviane Ferreira (ODUN FILMES) (2020) and production director of the feature film “Deserto Particular” by Aly Muritiba from the tv show “Eu Empresa” also, by Marcus Curvelo and Leon Sampaio, which is scheduled to premier next year.
Currently, she is dedicated to the development of her first feature film as a producer, “Não Somos Sonhando”, which had participation and four awards at the Laboratório de Projetos Brasileiros - Br Lab 2019 [Laboratory of Brazilian Projects].

Graduando de Cinema e Audiovisual pela Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, trabalha com design gráfico, edição de vídeos e gerência de redes sociais. No cinema, suas áreas de interesse são roteiro, fotografia e direção de arte.
Tv Show | Fiction
Written by Clarissa Brandão
Production: Terá Filmes e Preta Portê Filmes
Documentary Feature
Written by: Thamires Vieira
Production: Terá Filmes| Janela do Mundo
Feature Film | Fiction
Written by Thamires Vieira e Clarissa Brandão
Production: Terá Filmes